TA Calendar of Events
2023 – 2024
In addition to our instructional programs, adaptive guide services, and coaching Therapeutic Adventures provides a number of events, races, camps, and therapeutic retreats throughout the year.
Get Involved: Volunteer ~ Sponsor an Event
Additional events will be added as they are scheduled.
Watch for future dates for these additional upcoming events.

LOCATION: Moormans River Trout Management Area – Sugar Hollow – Whitehall, VA
At the base of the Shenandoah National Park (SNP), just below the Sugar Hollow reservoir and dam is a protected half mile section of the Moormans River.This Special Regulations section of water located within the Moormans River Trout Management Area (MRTMA). These pristine waters are home to Rainbow Trout and Virginia’s Native Brook Trout.The river and the adjacent trails are maintained with perpetual over- site provided by Thomas Jefferson Trout Unlimited (TJTU) and non-profit partner Therapeutic Adventures (TA). This Accessibility and Eco-Stewardship Project contains the “Paths to Happiness” trails and the John Kostanecki Trail. As a function of our commitment to protect and care for the MRTMA, each September we host local business and community volunteers to participate in “A Mormons River Runs Through It” as part of the annual Thomas Jefferson United Way – Day of Caring.
Cast n’ Blast Lowcountry – Salt Water Fly Fishing
LOCATION: Charleston, SC
Now in its 5th year, Therapeutic Adventures (TA) organizes our Bugslinger
ADAPTIVE ANGLERS ON THE FLY – Fly Fishing Camp for Disabled
LOCATION: Montfair Resort Farm & Moormans River Trout Management Area.
Now in its 19th year, the ADAPTIVE ANGLERS ON THE FLY – Fly Fishing Camp for Disabled is a favorite for all who attend. Every year, on a weekend prior to or just after Thanksgiving, Therapeutic Adventures (TA) in partnership with Thomas Jefferson Trout Unlimited (TJTU) offer this special camp at Montfair Resort and the Moormans River Trout Management Area. A coed, multi-generational weekend camp experience for persons with physical and developmental disabilities, participants learn fly fishing, fly tying, aquatic entomology, “catch and release” ethics, Leave No Trace ethics, and more. Campers look forward to this “rustic slumber party” with sleeping bags and cots surrounding the BIG fireplace.We always have great food, fellowship, music and fun. Special thanks to our ALL volunteer camp staff and dedicated Adaptive Guides.

#GivingTuesday is a global event designed to engage people in charitable giving.The goal is to create a massive wave of generosity that lasts well beyond that day, and touches every person on the planet. SAVE THE DATE: GivingTuesday takes place this year on November 28, 2023.
Giving is important! It’s a way to show you care about the mission and services provided by the cause closest to your heart. Please show you care about the benefits of adaptive sports for our TA adaptive athletes.
Spread the word by asking your family, friends, and all outdoor enthusiasts to support Therapeutic Adventures on #GivingTuesday!

LOCATION: Massanutten Four Seasons Resort
Adaptive Skiing and Snowboarding provide a great opportunity to challenge yourself and to develop new skills. For close to 4 decades, TA staff have been honored and privileged to provide adaptive outdoor programs for disabled Veterans who have represented our great nation defending the freedoms we all enjoy. Massanutten Resort has been a leader in this effort with our Adaptive Snow Sports programs. We have worked with military after they have returned home from serving in the Korean War, Vietnam, Bosnia, the Gulf War, Afghanistan, and Iraq. We have also worked with those who are victims of war and oppressed societies such as Somalia, and some Eastern European countries.
Our program, OPERATION FREEDOM OUTDOORS — Serving our Disabled Military Heroes, provides adaptive instruction and guide services, mentoring, fellowship, reunion and personal development to aid in the healing, rehabilitation and re-integration of disabled, active duty service members, veterans and their families. All of our adaptive sports programs serving veterans are provided at NO cost to those who participate.
Browse OFO 2020 Photos

LOCATION: Massanutten Four Seasons Resort
Now in its 21st year, the INDEPENDENCE CUP – Adaptive Snow Sports Race and Celebration of Independence Awards Ceremony is the culmination of all the fun and learning that take place on the slopes of Massanutten. Each winter, this event highlights all the hard work, training commitment, and new found independence that our adaptive athletes discover on the slopes. Not to mention, those who attend will also experience the creative enthusiasm of all our wonderful volunteers who show up in costumes.
SPRING FLY FLING – Fly Fishing and Therapeutic Outdoor Retreat for Women Cancer Survivors
LOCATION: Montfair Resort Farm & Moormans River Trout Management Area
Now in its 14th year, the SPRING FLY FLING – Fly Fishing and Therapeutic Outdoor Retreat for Women Cancer Survivors is provided at Montfair Resort Farm and the Moormans River Trout Management Area. Throughout the weekend, the women are treated to “Rustic Elegance —Therapeutic Adventures — Outdoor Fun — Well Deserved Respite.” This event is provided by our ALL volunteer staff in partnership with Thomas Jefferson Trout Unlimited, Montfair Resort, Sentara – Martha Jefferson Cancer Center, the MJH Foundation – Women’s Committee, and many business partners. A tremendous amount of love and healing occurs as the women go through all the special activities that are a function of the event.As they say, we are all part of a bigger “Bug SlingerTM Warriors Sisterhood”.
Browse ~ 2019 Spring Fly Fling Album
R4 – Special Needs Therapeutic Family Retreat
Respite ~ Restore ~ Rebuild ~ Re-create
LOCATION: Montfair Resort Farm
The first ever R4 Therapeutic Family Camp (3 days and 2 nights) was held at the beautiful Montfair Resort Farm. Our original intent was to identify and serve five R4 “DreamTeam” families (special needs child, sibling(s) and parents). We were able to accomplish that goal. Some scheduled camp activities have been designed just for the adaptive athletes & siblings; others will be designed just for the parents; some will be designed for families to participate in together.
The professionalism and caring of our R4 “Dream Team Staff” made the families feel confident about participation at our R4 Therapeutic Family Camp (R4-TFC). To provide this event during these uncertain times, we needed to address any and all safety concerns about COVID-19.
R4-TFC protocol/procedures included: daily temperature checks, face masks and gloves, social distancing, family cabins, family/team tables for meals and scheduled camp activities, designated staff serving meals to their assigned team/family.
Our R4 Therapeutic Family Camp will provide a variety of fun, supportive learning/healing sessions, and other challenging activities. Activities include: parachute games, a parent “getting to know you” session, super hero masks, slip n’ slide, fishing and more fishing, canoeing/kayaking, a special gourmet virtual cooking class for parents, a special cookout for kids — s’mores & campfire songs, yoga and more yoga, scavenger hunt, hammock time, nature crafts, water balloon fights, kids designing & making family pizza, Waltzing Matilda song with great acting out of lyrics from the kids, a staff skit — soaking Mark, more music & singing, friendship bracelets, treasure boxes, body part team challenge & circle sharing and a closing camp song.
Watch R4 Family Camp Video Browse R4 Family Camp Album Read More About the R4 Family Camp!
– Adaptive Paddling – SMILES event
LOCATION: Lake of the Woods, VA
Lake of the Woods – Adaptive Water Sports in partnership with Therapeutic Adventures ~ IndependencePlus Adaptive Sports are teaming up once again with a number of other organizations as well as a great team of volunteers to provide a special day on the water for children,Veterans and families. This special waterside carnival including Adaptive Waterskiing, Adaptive Paddling (kayaking, SUP), fishing food, fun and games bring SMILES to the faces of ALL who participate.

– Adaptive Paddling – Children’s event
LOCATION: Lake of the Woods, VA
Lake of the Woods – Adaptive Water Sports in partnership with Therapeutic Adventures ~ IndependencePlus Adaptive Sports are teaming up once again with a number of other organizations as well as a great team of volunteers to provide a special day on the water for children, and families. This special water sports event focuses on introducing children with physical and developmental disabilities to Adaptive Waterskiing and Adaptive Paddling (kayaking, SUP). Participants also have opportunities to enjoy fishing food, and other great fun throughout the day.
2018 Events 2019 Events
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