Our collection of past events, notifications, and other fun stuff!
Our Blog
To Educate is one of the cornerstones
of our organization.
Our Blog is intended to share
fun and newsworthy information as well as important advances in adaptive sports & adaptive outdoor adventures.
Our Blog
We encourage you to respond to our posts.
Please submit relevant articles or comments.
Make sure it's something
not too long, though.
As Shakespeare once said,
“Brevity is the soul of wit.” Thank you.
Media Room
When Therapeutic Adventures
or IndependencePlus Adaptive Sports are in the news,
we will post it here.
We are proud of the
awards and recognition
TA & I~AS have received.
Other Resources
As we discover valuable resources,
we will do our best to provide information and links to connect you.
Where (in the World) is TA?
A collection of pictures of YOU wearing our TA gear
(shirts, hats, sweatshirts, jerseys).
Our collection of past events, notifications, and other fun stuff!

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