Approaching four decades of service, Therapeutic Adventures (TA) and IndependencePlus Adaptive Sports (I~AS) has been a premier provider of adaptive sports (recreation or competitive) and adaptive outdoor adventures (snow, water and wilderness). TA and I~AS has a strong background of excellence which has evolved out of the extraordinary works of Erling Stordahl, founding father of the world famous Beitostolen Healthsports Centre in Norway; the highly honored and acclaimed Sir Ludwig Guttman, founding father of wheelchair sports and the First International Disabled Olympic Games at Stoke-Manville, England; the distinguished Dr. Kurt Hann, founder and driving force behind the highly reputed Outward Bound Program, and highly respected Dr. Larry Brendtro, Dr. Martin Brokenleg, and Dr. Steve Van Bockern who have developed the extraordinary – Circle of Courage Model. The inspiration of these individuals and their common vision has influenced the services we offer.
Therapeutic Adventures (TA) and IndependencePlus Adaptive Sports (I~AS) has developed a unique and integrative approach to instruction using: our IndependencePlus Model, our adaptive Circle of Courage model, and our Adaptive Outdoor Skills Mastery System. TA and I~AS methods of teaching, coaching, guiding and mentoring embolden our adaptive students/clients to set goals and to strive for functional independence. Our belief that ALL persons learn and benefit by being provided with opportunities to develop self-awareness, self-confidence, and self-reliance has provided TA and I~AS with a proven framework for success.
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