Our PARALYMPIC SPORT CLUB – Blue Ridge~Shenandoah (PSC-BRS) supports and is committed to the Vision, Mission and Values of Paralympic Sport. When individuals embrace the Paralympic Values and strive for personal excellence, then we know our efforts are having a positive impact on those with whom we are privileged to teach, coach, guide, and mentor–from initiation to elite levels.
Paralympic Sport – Vision
After a process of consultation and several reviews, in March 2003, the IPC Executive Committee approved the new Vision of the IPC:
“To Enable Paralympic Athletes to Achieve Sporting Excellence and Inspire and Excite the World”.
Each word in the Vision has a clear meaning in defining the ultimate aim of the IPC:
- To enable: this is the primary role of the IPC as an organization: To create the conditions for athlete empowerment through self-determination
- Paralympic athletes: the primary focus of IPC’s activities, in the context of Paralympic athletes, is the development of all athletes from initiation to elite level
- To achieve sporting excellence: the goal of a sports centered organization
- To inspire and excite the world: the external result is our contribution to a better world for all people with a disability. To achieve this, relations with external organizations and the promotion of the Paralympic Movement as a whole are of prime importance.
Furthermore, the new Paralympic motto of “Spirit in Motion” has captured in a concise and attractive manner, the essence of this Vision.
Paralympic Sport – Mission
The Mission that provides the broad goals to the IPC for a long-term strategy is:
- To guarantee and supervise the organization of successful Paralympic Games.
- To ensure the growth and strength of the Paralympic Movement through the development of National Paralympic Committees in all countries and the support to the activities of all IPC member organizations.
- To promote and contribute to the development of sport opportunities and competitions, from initiation to elite level, for Paralympic athletes as the foundation of elite Paralympic sport.
- To develop opportunities for women athletes and athletes with high support needs in sport at all levels and in all structures.
- To support and encourage educational, cultural, research and scientific activities that contribute to the development and promotion of the Paralympic Movement.
- To seek the continuous global promotion and media coverage of the Paralympic Movement, its vision of inspiration and excitement through sport, its ideals and activities.
- To promote the self-governance of each Paralympic sport either as an integral part of the international sport movement for able-bodied athletes, or as an independent sport organization, whilst at all times safeguarding and preserving its own identity.
- To ensure that in sport practiced within the Paralympic Movement the spirit of fair play prevails, violence is banned, the health risk of the athletes is managed and fundamental ethical principles are upheld.
- To contribute to the creation of a drug-free sport environment for all Paralympic athletes in conjunction with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).
- To promote Paralympic sport without discrimination for political, religious, economic, disability, gender, sexual orientation or race reasons.
- To ensure the means necessary to support the future growth of the Paralympic Movement.
In conclusion, the mission of the IPC is to make the leap from being an administrator to being a pivotal catalyst of the Paralympic Movement and to achieve a future that includes:
- More and better athletes
- A high level of international recognition
- A significantly increased budget
- An efficient and effective organization.
Paralympic Values
It encompasses the unique spirit of the Paralympic athlete who seeks to accomplish what the general public deems unexpected, but what the athlete knows as a truth.
The manifestation of the idea that Paralympic athletes push their physical ability to the absolute limit.
When intense and personal affection is begotten from the stories and accomplishments of Paralympic athletes, and the effect is applying this spirit to one’s personal life.
Paralympic Sport acts as an agent for change to break down social barriers of discrimination for persons with a disability.
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